Part 2 It’s not easy to manage Bio waste during pandemic
Many thoughtful persons have been concerned for management of biowaste generated from covid positive and suspected persons. It can be a major infectious element in spreading the pandemic.

The guidelines published by the central pollution control board in March and July have stated the need for handling, treatment, and disposal of waste generated during COVID should be properly segregated with different colour bags for different items. In some cases, it has also emphasized to use double-layered bags, mandatory labelling of bags, and use the dedicated trolley for collecting the bind and bags. Mandatory to disinfectant the containers, bags, trolleys and workers should be deputed separately for collection of biomedical waste.

But it was felt by some environmental organization that functioning of bio medical waste including covid waste is weak. The huge proportion around 75% generated from health care units is not going to Bio medical waste treatment Facilities. In many cases these jobs are not completed on time. Moreover the number of new quarantine and isolation centres increasing , mismanagement of bio waste has also taken worrying proportion.
Negligence by people and improper management of agencies can create an alarming situation. Hence the common man, the local government, and each and every concerned person has to co-operate and take the responsibility for disposal, collection, and management.
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